Vinyl Fence Repositioning – Doing It Right

If your vinyl fencing isn't positioned as you would like it to be, you can reposition it without having to completely dismantle it. This project is doable, but it isn't quite as easy as the initial installation of the fence was. You will have to deal with the concrete footers that had been poured to hold the fence in the ground securely. Below, you will find instructions for repositioning your fence without causing any damage.

Detach the Fencing

One mistake that people often make is that they attempt to reposition a fence post without detaching the fencing. This will cause cracks in the fencing and give you more of a headache than you should have to deal with. Carefully remove the hardware holding the fencing in place. If your fencing is several years old, be very careful as it could be fragile and crack easily. If you are repositioning several fence posts, remove as many fencing panels as necessary and lay them gently out of the way.

Dig out the Posts

Use a shovel to dig up the soil around the fence post. You must dig the whole way under the concrete footer that the fence is in.

After you have finished the digging, get someone to help you hoist the fence post up out of the hole. This will be the most difficult step in the process as it will be very heavy. If it proves to be too heavy, use a hammer and chisel to break apart the footer to separate the weight into multiple pieces.

Measure for Placement

Measure the area for the new placement of the posts. Measure from the center point of the post and mark the new location with a small post. After you have the new posts marked with small posts, tie a string around each one to connect them to ensure that you have arranged the new posts in a straight line.

Dig New Holes

The new holes will need to be larger than the holes the first time around because you have the concrete at the bottom of the fence post to fit into the hole. You will have to dig the holes 6" deeper than before and 12" wider.

Position the Posts

Dump 4" of sand into the hole and then lower the post down into it. Use a level on the side of the post to positioning it perfectly. Pour fresh concrete into the hole to cover the old concrete and about an inch further up the post. Use the level once more and make any adjustments necessary before the concrete begins to cure. Contact a fence company for additional information.

Let the concrete cure for a few days before you return to attach the fence panels.

If you aren't up to the job or aren't confident in your ability to complete this project on your own, talk with your local fence contractor for assistance.
